Detroit Hospital Fined for Inadequate Security

The fine document outlined security shortfalls at the hospital and made recommendations for improving staff and patient safety.
Published: September 13, 2016

A hospital in Detroit was fined for insufficient protections for staff members and patients Aug. 16.

In the recently released citation, the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration pointed to high rates of workplace violence and inadequate security measures at Detroit Receiving Hospital for the $5,000 fine.

State investigators also included recommendations for the hospital that included enhancing the Workplace Violence Prevention Program and a two-officer minimum staffing level at all high-risk areas of the institution.

The plan revisions must be submitted by Sept. 19, reports

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“Healthcare and security employees were exposed to violent behavior by patients and visitors that resulted in verbal threats, bites and assaults to staff while working at Detroit Receiving Hospital. … That there were 116 injuries related to combative patients between 2012 and 2015 … That workplace violence cases have risen from 10 percent to 16 percent between that same time period.”

A hospital official says they have seen an increase in patients in recent years.

Detroit Receiving Hospital security officer Rudolph Casey says the institution doesn’t have enough officers to protect everyone.

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“If we’re not properly staffed, how can we protect the patients?” Casey asked. “We have had some incidents, but we have been very fortunate to defuse them quickly.”

Casey also said officers often focus on recovering missing property at the expense of watching for violent behavior.

An official with DRH says the hospital is working with state investigators to implement their recommendations. Read the entire citation here.

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