Parkland Shooting Survivor Raises Money and Receives Civic Award

Aidan Spitzer, Parkland shooting victim, raised over $23,000 for medical kits and received a civic award from the mayor of Parkland.
Published: September 22, 2018

Keeping the memory alive of the victims of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting is what survivor, Aidan Spitzer, did by raising over $23,000 in the wake of the tragedy.

All the money raised has gone toward the purchase of individual first aid kits (IFAKS) and other emergency medical supplies provided by Rescue Essentials.

Aidan is receiving the Civic Award from the mayor of Parkland for taking such positive action in the aftermath of this tragedy.

Using the money Aidan raised selling t-shirts online, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School placed bleeding control kits across the campus, in safe areas, accessible from all classrooms and common areas inside and outside the school, with a total treatment capacity of 360 individuals.

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In recognition of his efforts, Rescue Essentials awarded Aidan Spitzer $1,000, which he then donated to the Safe Schools for Alex fund. That fund was created by the family of Alex Schacter to support the efforts of nationwide school safety for all teachers and students.

“I want to recognize Aidan and the Spitzer family for their fortitude in a horrible situation. Parkland Mayor Christine Hunschofsky has picked a tremendous individual to receive the Civic Award,” said Jim Seidel, CEO at Rescue Essentials.

“Working with the Coral Springs Fire Department, first responders and school representatives in Parkland reaffirms our mission and underscores the significant benefit of access to bleeding control equipment during any catastrophe.”

Stopping the bleed is a critical factor in the survival from massive hemorrhage injuries sustained in an active shooter incident.

More schools and campus safety officers are acting on recommendations for the Department of Homeland Security to educate students on bleeding control techniques.

Aidan Spitzer realized the need for life-saving emergency medical kits and parents of Marjory Stoneman Douglas students reached out to Rescue Essentials, who custom-configured the trauma kits for the school.

Since 2007, Rescue Essentials has remained focused on its original goal—to offer top quality tactical, emergency, combat and outdoor medical products at affordable prices, delivered in a timely manner
with flat rate $4.99 shipping.

Rescue Essentials core capabilities include the design, manufacture and assembly of purpose-built trauma and medical kits for law enforcement, Fire/EMS,

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