Latest In: Officer Safety

Crowd Control Demonstrations Extremism Free Speech Officer Safety Officer Training Protest Race Social Media Terrorism Threat Assessments Threat Management Training
We owe it to our officers to fully comprehend and address our real security threats. The January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol proves that. Jan. 6

Our Biases and Denial Endanger the Lives of Police Officers

We owe it to our officers to fully comprehend and address the real security threats our country faces.…

Insights January 6
Campus Police Campus Safety Conference Officer Involved Shootings Officer Safety Officer Training Security Management Training
5 More Considerations When Developing a Campus Public Safety Officer Firearms Program, police, security, guns on campus

5 More Considerations When Developing a Campus Public Safety Officer Firearms Program

This second part of our series on campus officer gun programs gives you the low down on officers…

Insights November 4
ADA Compliance ADHD De-escalation Disability Mental Health Officer Safety Officer Training Restraints School Resource Officers (SROs) Student Discipline Student Safety Students with Disabilities
Here's a look at the issue of police officers using handcuffs and physical restraint when they're called to schools to respond to challenging behaviors by students with disabilities.

Handcuffing Students and Physical Restraint on School Grounds

Here's a look at the issue of police officers using handcuffs and physical restraint when they're called to…

Insights July 17
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Discrimination Diversity Lawsuits Officer Discipline Officer Retention Officer Safety Racism

Jury: University of Washington Must Pay $16M for Police Department Discrimination Against Black Officers

Attorneys for the Black officers claimed UW turned a blind eye for years to the more than 100…

News December 27
Contract Security Employee Discipline Officer Recruitment Officer Retention Officer Safety Officer Training

22 Rules for New Campus Police and Security Officers

If you are new in your department, follow these guidelines to greatly increase your chances for success.

News December 11
Officer Safety Parking Security Pedestrian Safety School Bus Safety Security Officers Traffic Enforcement Traffic Safety Video Surveillance
security officer

Police: Florida Mom Tried to Run Over School Security Officer

The school security officer narrowly avoided being hit by the vehicle by jumping out of the way into…

News November 9
Athletic Department Management Event Management Officer Safety Student Safety

Beating the Heat During the Dog Days of Summer

Heat can take more of a toll on your campus than you might realize. These steps will help…

News July 24
Hate Crimes Information Sharing Officer Safety Racism Terrorism Threat Assessments Threat Management
domestic terrorism

Domestic Terrorism Incidents Increase 357% Over 8 Years

The FBI’s number of open domestic terrorism-related cases grew from 1,981 in 2013 to 9,049 in 2021.

News March 3
Heroes Officer Involved Shootings Officer Safety
shooting, Perry High School

Temple University Police Officer Fatally Shot Near Campus

Christopher Fitzgerald is the first Temple University police officer to be killed in the line of duty.

News February 21
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series