Latest In: Clery Act

Clery Act Michigan State University (MSU) Sexual Abuse Title IX US Department of Education
MSU Pays $3 Million Fine

MSU Pays $3 Million Fine for Violating Post-Nassar Agreement

Michigan State violated requirements put in place by the Department of Education following the Larry Nassar sexual abuse…

News September 4
Clery Act Employee Relations Fire Alarm Key Management Officer Training Security Management Title IX Training
When a Top Employee Leaves, Who Takes Over Their Responsibilities? Clery Act, UC Santa Cruz

When a Top Employee Leaves, Who Is Going to Do Their Job?

Relying on only one person for a critical activity could lead to confusion or non-compliance with the law…

Insights August 6
Clery Act International Students Student Safety Title IX University Security
Overseas Campus

Want to Open an Overseas Campus? Here Are Some Safety and Security Considerations

Unlike opening a new local campus, the complexities of international operations require strategic planning that balances local constraints…

Insights August 5
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Athletic Department Management Clery Act Clery Compliance Crime Reporting Emergency Notification Employee Discipline Fines Sexual Assault Student Discipline Timely Warning Violence Against Women Act VAWA
5 Takeaways from the Liberty University Clery Audit, Clery Act, U.S. Department of Education, timely warning, emergency notification

5 Takeaways from the Liberty University Clery Audit

The report rebuked the school’s Clery compliance program and provides other colleges and universities with helpful insights to…

Insights July 29
Campus Security Authorities Clery Act Clery Compliance Crime Reporting Emergency Notification Fire Reporting Hate Crimes Sexual Assault
The survey will gather benchmark data from and for Clery Act practitioners across the U.S., campus security

College Campuses Urged to Take Clery Act State of the Field Survey

The survey will gather benchmark data from and for Clery Act practitioners across the U.S.

News July 16
After School Activities Campus Police Campus Security Authorities Clery Act Clery Compliance Digital Signage Emergency Notification Incident Reporting Student Health Student Safety Timely Warning Training

Summer is Here: Are Youth Camps Part of Your Clery Compliance Program?

Here are several tips on CSAs, timely warnings and mass notification that will help your youth summer camps…

Insights June 26
Clery Act Hate Crimes LGBTQ+ Issues Title IX Vandalism Video Surveillance
University of New Mexico Security Officer Admits to Vandalizing Gay Pride Flags, UNM, Ben Gerstner, anti-LGBTQ+ hate crimes

University of New Mexico Security Officer Admits to Vandalizing Gay Pride Flags

The vandalism of gay pride flags went on for a year, and the victim is suing UNM for…

News June 13
Alcohol Abuse Alcohol Enforcement Clery Act Crime Crime Reporting Drug Abuse Incident Reporting Sexual Assault Title IX
Why the List of ‘10 Most Dangerous College Campuses’ Is Dangerous, Parrish Law Firm, Clery Act, Liberty University

Why the List of ‘10 Most Dangerous College Campuses’ Is Dangerous and Misleading

Reports purportedly listing America's 'Most Dangerous Colleges' discourage campuses from accurately reporting crime. This puts students, faculty, and…

Insights June 4
Clery Act Dating Abuse Dating Violence Domestic Violence Incident Reporting Internet Safety Investigations l Mandated Reporting Mental Health Research Sextortion Sexual Abuse Sexual Harassment Slideshows Stalking Student Discipline Student Safety Title IX Training Violence Against Women Act VAWA Workplace Violence
Stalking is dangerous and devastating, often intersecting with physical and sexual violence. SPARC, Stalking Prevention Awareness and Resource Center, sexual violence, Title IX

Stalking on Campus: Know More, Do More

Stalking is dangerous and devastating, often intersecting with physical and sexual violence. Here’s how your campus can help…

News May 8
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series