August has been a crazy month for campus safety and security professionals. Those tasked with keeping students and staff safe have had to finalize reopening plans — whether that be through remote learning, in-person learning, or a hybrid model. Whatever decision has been made, officials are also dealing with unhappy community members and the numerous challenges that come with each option.
Outbreaks have already forced many schools, particularly colleges and universities, to switch to full remote learning, further complicating an already stressful situation for all involved.
Shockingly, only two of Campus Safety’s top stories from August are related to the coronavirus pandemic. The month’s top stories ran the gamut, from current events like the virus and campus policing to articles from several years ago that have been continuously popular.
Many of the older articles that have made their way back into our top stories are related to other important back-to-school topics, such as protecting students from child custody disputes and how new Title IX rules will affect K-12 schools. This is encouraging because it shows that campus safety professionals aren’t letting other important security issues fall by the wayside as they deal with COVID-19.
We were also happy to see that our Director of the Year winners’ article made it into the top stories last month. Now, more than ever, it is important to recognize and support each other for a job well done. We’re extremely excited for next year’s submissions to see the innovative ways campuses worked together to tackle the coronavirus pandemic.
Not surprisingly, the most popular article from last month was the hospital edition of our ” the security mistakes?” series. These articles are made up of photos sent to us by security consultants from real site assessments that show some obvious and some not-so-obvious security mistakes.
Check out all of the most-read stories in August by viewing the slideshow.