Whether your institution is a K-12 school, college or university, it is pertinent that all necessary parties are knowledgeable of and participate in the creation of emergency plans, including preparing for, responding to and recovering from mass casualty incidents.
According to FEMA, it is vital to be able to identify key considerations and strategies for preparing for mass casualty incidents, including: understanding the threats and challenges; establishing planning processes; assessing and mitigating vulnerabilities; establishing response procedures; planning for recovery; and staying prepared.
FEMA offers a free online course, titled ‘Preparing for Mass Casualty Incidents: A Guide for Schools, Higher Education, and Houses of Worship‘, that introduces best practices for handling mass casualty incidents. Following the course, participants can take an exam that counts as 0.3 CEUs.
Check out this 11-question sneak peek of the exam to see where you stand regarding your knowledge of mass casualty preparations.
*Note: Although FEMA’s online course is geared towards K-12, higher ed and houses of worship, many of these questions can also be applied to hospitals.
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