Schools are struggling to find ways to keep weapons, such as guns, knives, and other dangerous objects off of their campuses, and many of them are hoping that requiring students to carry clear backpacks will do the trick.
On Monday night, the Richmond (Virginia) School Board adopted a clear backpack policy for all of its students, reports WTVR. The mandate goes into effect July 1. Officials at Richmond Public Schools said they could probably provide clear backpacks to all of its elementary school students for $60,000.
The board is also looking at implementing weapons detectors in the district’s elementary schools, although it stopped short of approving the move until more research is done on the possible implementation. Installing weapons detector technology at all of the elementary schools would cost about $4 million. The equipment is already installed in the district’s middle schools and high schools.
Districts in Texas and Georgia Also Adopting Clear Backpack Policies
In Laredo, Texas, the United Independent School District (UISD) will require all of its students, from kindergarten to 12 grade carry clear backpacks. The requirement will go into effect at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year, and students will be provided with new backpacks. reports KGNS.
Although the new rule will require students to use clear backpacks while at school, they will also be allowed to carry a small non-clear pouch for personal items like hygiene products, money, and cell phones.
In DeSoto, Texas, the DeSoto Independent School District will also begin requiring students in grades 6 through 12 to carry clear backpacks starting in the 2024-2025 school year, reports Metro News. Additionally, students will continue to be required to wear uniforms so security personnel can more easily identify visitors. At DeSoto High School, students arriving to campus will need to be screened for weapons with metal detectors. Their backpacks will also be searched.
In Crisp County, Ga., primary, elementary, middle and high school students will only be allowed to carry clear backpacks starting next year, reports WMAZ. Bibb County Schools also requires students to carry clear or mesh backpacks.