Ex University of Kentucky Student Pleads Guilty to Racist Assault of Black Classmate

Sophia Rosing was caught on video assaulting and spouting racial slurs at a Black student working at the University of Kentucky dorm front desk.
Published: August 15, 2024

Former University of Kentucky student Sophia Rosing, 23, pleaded guilty on Monday to multiple charges stemming from her attack of a fellow UK student who was Black.

In 2022, Rosing, who is White, was drunk and not allowed to enter the University of Kentucky residence hall without a student ID, reports LEX18. She was caught on camera physically assaulting and spouting racial slurs at Kylah Spring, who is Black and was working at the front desk of the residence hall at the time of the incident, reports the Lexington Hearld Leader.

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Rosing also bit a police officer who responded to the incident. The video of the incident went viral online and showed her uttering racial slurs more than 200 times in 10 minutes.

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UK Attacker Also Lost Her Job and Media Influencing Partnership

Rosing was arrested that evening and eventually expelled from the University of Kentucky and banned from campus by the university president. She also was fired from her job at Dillard’s and lost her social media influencing partnership, reports the Lexington Herald Leader.

On Monday after a mediation, she pleaded guilty to four counts of fourth-degree assault, one count of disorderly conduct, and one count of alcohol intoxication. Rosing could face a year in prison, 100 hours of community service, and a $25 fine. Her sentencing is scheduled for Oct. 17.

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According to Rosing’s attorney, she has quit drinking and is extremely remorseful. However, Spring told LEX18 that she didn’t believe Rosing was truly sorry.

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