Complying with the Campus SaVE Act/Re-Authorized Violence Against Women Act

Laura Dunn of SurvJustice and Daniel Carter of 32 National Campus Safety Initiative explain how colleges can comply with the Campus SaVE Act.
Published: August 26, 2014

At this year’s College and University Police and Investigators Conference (CUPIC) held near Washington, D.C. this month, Campus Safety magazine spoke with session presenters Laura Dunn, founder of SurvJustice, and Daniel Carter, director of the VTV Family Outreach Foundation’s of 32 National Campus Safety Initiative on how colleges can comply with the Campus SaVE Act (also known as the reauthorized Violence Against Woman Act or VAWA) before the official rules are released in October or November.

Despite the rules not being formally released yet, schools still must make a good-faith effort to comply with the law.

In this video Dunn and Carter discuss the prevention efforts institutions of higher education must take; campuses’ data and reporting requirements; the rights of victims and the accusers; as well as the accommodations campuses must make for victims.

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