Latest In: Violence Against Women Act VAWA

Athletic Department Management Clery Act Clery Compliance Crime Reporting Emergency Notification Employee Discipline Fines Sexual Assault Student Discipline Timely Warning Violence Against Women Act VAWA
5 Takeaways from the Liberty University Clery Audit, Clery Act, U.S. Department of Education, timely warning, emergency notification

5 Takeaways from the Liberty University Clery Audit

The report rebuked the school’s Clery compliance program and provides other colleges and universities with helpful insights to…

Insights July 29
Clery Act Dating Abuse Dating Violence Domestic Violence Incident Reporting Internet Safety Investigations l Mandated Reporting Mental Health Research Sextortion Sexual Abuse Sexual Harassment Slideshows Stalking Student Discipline Student Safety Title IX Training Violence Against Women Act VAWA Workplace Violence
Stalking is dangerous and devastating, often intersecting with physical and sexual violence. SPARC, Stalking Prevention Awareness and Resource Center, sexual violence, Title IX

Stalking on Campus: Know More, Do More

Stalking is dangerous and devastating, often intersecting with physical and sexual violence. Here’s how your campus can help…

News May 8
Clery Act Dating Abuse Dating Violence LGBTQ+ Issues Research Title IX US Department of Education Violence Against Women Act VAWA
The district’s responses to repeated harassment of Black, Asian, and Jewish students and to harassment based on sex did not meet the district’s federal civil rights obligations. Park City School District, Title VI

Request for Information on Sexual Violence at Educational Institutions

Feedback on how to prevent sexual violence is to be submitted via the Federal eRulemaking Portal by March…

News February 2
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Clery Act Dating Abuse Dating Violence Domestic Violence Title IX Violence Against Women Violence Against Women Act VAWA
crimes against women

The Conference on Crimes Against Women Returns to Dallas with Keynote Speaker Mark Wynn

Data shows that crimes against women have increase during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Press Releases May 13
Child Abuse Clery Act Coronavirus COVID-19 Dating Violence Investigations Mandated Reporting Mental Health MOUs Policies and Procedures Rape Sexual Harassment Stalking Threat Assessments Title IX Training Violence Against Women Act VAWA

New Title IX Rules Are About to Take Effect. Is Your K-12 District Ready?

The new Title IX rules on sexual misconduct will become the law of the land August 14. School…

News August 5
Clery Act Clery Compliance Dating Abuse Dating Violence Domestic Violence Stalking US Department of Education Violence Against Women Act VAWA

U.S. Department of Education Stepping-Up Enforcement of Clery Act VAWA Requirements

The provisions, added by the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 require colleges to enact policies and…

Insights July 9
Athletic Department Management Campus Security Authorities Clery Act Coronavirus Dating Abuse Dating Violence Domestic Violence Incident Reporting Lawsuits Title IX Violence Against Women Act VAWA

University of Arizona Settles Title IX Domestic Violence Lawsuit Involving Former Football Player

The lawsuit claimed the University of Arizona knew Orlando Bradford was a danger but failed to take adequate…

News June 9
Campus Police Campus Safety Violence Against Women Violence Against Women Act VAWA
Sexual Assault Survivor

VAWA Turns 25: An Interview with a Sexual Assault Survivor

We spoke with author and sexual assault survivor Karen Stefano about her experience and progress made since the…

News September 13
Annual Security Reports ASR Clery Act Clery Compliance Crime Reporting Crimes Against Women Dating Violence Domestic Violence Drug Abuse Guns on Campus Hate Crimes Rape Violence Against Women Act VAWA
clery crime definitions

21 Clery Crime Definitions and Scenario-Based Examples

Here's a comprehensive list of crimes that fall under the Clery Act, along with their definitions and an…

News September 11
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series