Alabama Supreme Court Dismisses University Shooting Lawsuit

The Alabama Supreme Court has dismissed a wrongful death lawsuit accusing University of Alabama in Huntsville officials of negligence related to the shooting deaths of three faculty members.
Published: January 28, 2015

The Alabama Supreme Court dismissed a wrongful death lawsuit on Jan. 23, which accused University of Alabama in Huntsville officials of negligence related to a campus shooting.

Amy Bishop, a UAH faculty member, shot and killed three of her colleagues in 2010 after she was denied tenure. The lawsuit, filed by the families of two of Bishop’s victims, claimed that UAH Provost Dr. Vistasp Karbhari did not follow university procedure in dealing with a university employee under emotional distress, the Huntsville Times reports. They also claimed that school officials knew Bishop was mentally unstable and dangerous three months before the shootings occurred.

The court determined that Karbhari could not have known Bishop was dangerous.

Bishop is serving a life sentence without parole at Alabama’s Tutwiler Prison.

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