Campus Safety magazine is pleased to announce that Buffalo State College Police Chief Peter Carey, Memorial Healthcare Director of Public Safety Jeff Hauk and Georgetown County School District Director of Safety and Risk Management Alan Walters are this year’s Directors of the Year. Additionally, Jeffrey Besong, who is the assistant vice president of public safety and chief of police at Point Part University has been named runner-up.
All four were presented their awards on July 13 at Campus Safety Conference East, which took place in Philadelphia. To celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the Director of the Year program, the event also honored past winners. Watch the video.
Carey, who won in this year’s higher education Director of the Year category, impressed the judges with his department’s accreditation by the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services as well as his creation of his department’s bike patrol.
Hospital category winner Hauk demonstrated his expertise by establishing a standalone department of public safety and saving his organization $10,000 per year by installing LED lighting. His hospital was the first U.S. healthcare facility to obtain Suspicious Indicators Recognition Assessment training and certification.
Judges were impressed with K-12 winner Walters’ rewriting of his district’s emergency operations plan and arranging for the evacuations, shelters and recovery sites in response to Hurricane Matthew. He also supervised $1.5 million in renovations at 20 locations. Upgrades included cameras, access control, secured walkways and bullet-resistant doors and glass.
Campus Safety would like to thank this year’s program judges for taking time out of their busy schedules to evaluate the entries: Campus Safety Web Editor Amy Brennan; University of Southern Mississippi Director of Sports Security Lou Marciani; Safeguard Risk Solutions CEO and President Gary Sigrist Jr.; and Hospital Security Consultant Tom Smith.
In-depth special coverage of Carey, Hauk and Walters will appear in the October and November/December issues of Campus Safety magazine.
Congratulations to this year’s winners and runner up!