Latest In: Suicide

Bullying Discrimination Harassment LGBTQ+ Issues Office for Civil Rights Sexual Harassment Suicide Title IX US Department of Education
Department of Education to Enforce 2020 Title IX Rule ‘Protecting Women’, Office for Civil Rights, OCR, LGBTQ+, discrimination

Department of Education to Enforce 2020 Title IX Rule ‘Protecting Women’

OCR won’t appeal a Kentucky court’s vacating of the Biden administration’s 2024 Title IX rule. The Trump administration…

News January 31
Active Shooter Concealed Weapons Evolv Guns on Campus Mental Health Suicide Weapons Detection
Shooting Prompts Changes to Antioch High School Security, Metro Nashville Public Schools, Josselin Corea Escalante, Evolv

Shooting Prompts Changes to Antioch High School Security

Weapons detection technology was installed over the weekend, and counseling will be provided to students and staff when…

News January 27
Active Shooter High School Shooting Lockdown Reunification School Shooting Suicide Video Surveillance Weapons Detection
3 Students Injured in Tennessee High School Shooting, Antioch High School, gun violence, school shootings, lockdown

1 Student Killed, 1 Hurt in Tennessee High School Shooting

The shooting happened in the cafeteria of Antioch High School. The gunman took his own life.

News January 23
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Bullying Discrimination LGBTQ+ Issues Mental Health Policies and Procedures Student Safety Suicide Suicide Prevention Title IX
Judge Vacates Biden’s Title IX Protections of LGBTQ+ Students, discrimination, suicide, Trump, Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti

Judge Vacates Biden’s Title IX Protections of LGBTQ+ Students

The judge scrapped the rules despite studies showing that policies prohibiting discrimination based on sexual and gender identity…

News January 10
Mental Health Research Student Data Student Health Student Safety Suicide Suicide Prevention Wellness
Suicide Prevention Policies

NYU Researchers Identify Most Effective Suicide Prevention Policies

The NYU study found the most effective suicide prevention policies don't mention suicide and weren't passed to prevent…

Insights January 10
Information Sharing Mental Health School Violence School Violence Prevention Student Violence Suicide Suicide Prevention Threat Assessments
Warning Signs of Potential Violence

How to Support Students Who Exhibit Warning Signs of Potential Violence

While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to helping students who exhibit warning signs of potential violence or self-harm,…

Insights November 11
Campus Safety Campus Security First Responders Mental Health Police Research Suicide
National First Responders Day

Helpful Resources for National First Responders Day

Campus Safety has shared various resources, data, and editorial articles over the years, often written first-hand by current…

Insights October 28
Anti-Semitism Contract Security Detection Drug Abuse Fire Detection Guns on Campus Heroes Hospital Shootings Medical Emergencies Mental Health Parking Security Psychiatric Patients Security Officers Suicide Workplace Violence
So. California Hospital Security Officers Honored for Bravery, Outstanding Service

So. California Hospital Security Officers Honored for Bravery, Outstanding Service

IAHSS’ Southern California chapter honored 38 security officers from hospitals in Los Angeles, Orange, and San Bernardino counties…

News October 18
Alcohol Abuse Anonymous Tips Bullying Cyberbullying Drug Abuse Information Sharing Mental Health School Shooting Suicide Suicide Prevention Threat Assessments
Iowa Schools Have Received Nearly 200 Threat Reports Since Start of Academic Year, anonymous tips, Safe and Sound app

Iowa Schools Have Received Nearly 200 Reports of Threats Since Start of Academic Year

In September there were 101 school threats reported on Iowa’s Safe and Sound anonymous tip app.

News October 7
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series