Latest In: Domestic Violence

Crimes Against Women Domestic Violence Human Trafficking Public Safety Violence Against Women
Conference on Crimes Against Women

Anti-Trafficking Expert to Keynote 18th Annual Conference on Crimes Against Women

Nearly 50 million people are trafficked around the world and it is estimated 10,000 to 150,000 people are…

Press Releases February 19
Access Control Analytics Artificial Intelligence CMS Domestic Violence Flock Safety Infant Security Joint Commission License Plate Recognition Parking Security Perimeter Security Video Surveillance Workplace Violence
perimeter, ALPR, security, technology

How Hospitals Can Develop a Strong Perimeter Security Strategy

Technologies like ALPR and video can provide real-time information about potential threats and help prevent unauthorized perimeter access.

News February 17
Campus Police Domestic Violence Guns on Campus Investigations Mental Health Threat Assessments Threat Management
red flag laws, gun, firearm, weapon, threat

Using ‘Red Flag’ Laws for Potential Firearms Threats on Campus

Here’s how campus public safety departments can ensure red flag laws are correctly applied and comply with the…

News February 10
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series