Latest In: ADHD

ADA Compliance ADHD De-escalation Disability Mental Health Officer Safety Officer Training Restraints School Resource Officers (SROs) Student Discipline Student Safety Students with Disabilities
Here's a look at the issue of police officers using handcuffs and physical restraint when they're called to schools to respond to challenging behaviors by students with disabilities.

Handcuffing Students and Physical Restraint on School Grounds

Here's a look at the issue of police officers using handcuffs and physical restraint when they're called to…

Insights July 17
ADHD Mental Health Research School Safety Student Data Student Safety
children ADHD diagnosis

1 in 9 Children Received ADHD Diagnosis in 2022

An increase in ADHD awareness, more access to resources, and the pandemic played a role in the significant…

News May 28
Addiction ADHD Drug Abuse Drug Diversion Mental Health Opioids
prescription, prescriptions, medication, medications, drug, drugs

College Students Must Mind Their Prescription Meds

Miss America 2020 reminds colleges to warn their students to keep their prescription medication in a locked, secure…

Insights April 19
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ADHD Behavioral Problems CDC Learning Disabilities Student Health

Study: ADHD Diagnosis More Likely for Youngest Kids in Class

New research suggests younger kids in a classroom are 30 percent more likely to receive an ADHD diagnosis.

News December 5
ADHD Drug Abuse Drug Diversion Student Health Suicide
ADHD Medication Overdoses

Study: ADHD Medication Overdoses Increasing Among U.S. Kids

Between 2000 and 2011, there was a 71 percent increase in calls to U.S. poison control regarding improper…

News May 26
ADHD Behavioral Problems CDC Disability Learning Disabilities

Researchers: 1 in 7 Children Have Some Form of Disorder

A study showed many children with disorders come from impoverished homes or homes where English isn't spoken.

News March 22
ADHD Behavioral Problems Crisis Prevention Institute De-escalation Disability Mental Health Officer Training Student Safety Verbal Judo

5 Tips on Intervening More Appropriately with Students Exhibiting Concerning Behavior

These tips will help you address challenging or inappropriate behavior exhibited by students, especially students with disabilities.

News October 7
ADHD Autism Lawsuits School Resource Officers (SROs) Student Discipline Student Health Student Safety

ACLU Sues SRO for Handcuffing 2 Students with Disabilities

A Kentucky school resource officer was videotaped handcuffing two students with disabilities as a punishment for acting out…

News August 7
ADHD Student Data Student Discipline Student Supervision Teachers

Study: Fidgeting Helps Students with ADHD

Researchers urge schools to let students with ADHD move more to help them focus.

News June 19
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series