In light of recent tragedies, it shows us that devastating events continue to happen on campuses. A crisis can take many forms, however most universities and schools we talk to daily only prepare for a few scenarios. Are you willing to take that gamble on your school? Most people don’t want to think about tragedies happening on their campus, but we need to realize we don’t have control of that. However, we do have control on how prepared we are if a tragedy strikes.
Most people are familiar with evacuation chairs that can go down stairwells. During a mass evacuation this might not be the most ideal device, because they can be heavy and get expensive. Unlike most evacuation sled, like Slyde. Each Slyde weighs 9lbs and is the fraction of the cost. Meaning more individuals can be evacuated and more lives saved.
During the state of an emergency every second counts. Which is why it’s critical to have a detailed evacuation plan in place and practiced. Having the proper evacuation equipment implemented into these plans could mean the difference between life or death. Slyde offers a light weight and affordable solution to evacuate anyone with minimal training.
Does your current evacuation plan allow for someone that is wheel-chair bound, disabled or have limited mobility to be evacuated quickly and safe? There is going to be individuals that are unable to help themselves due to an injury or from physical limitation before the incident. Having an evacuation sled, such as Slyde, can help ensure that your campus has the proper tools to make sure everyone has a way of evacuation.
Not only are physical limitations a factor when implementing evacuation plans, there are also other limitation most people do not consider. Have you thought of someone that possibly has a psychological or cognitive condition, such as PTSD, panic disorders, or autism to name a few? These all could render a person’s ability to function as anticipated. Having a device in place, like Slyde, would allow the individual to be evacuated safely and out of harm’s way.
The most important step you can take to protect your students and staff is to establish an evacuation plan that can cover as many scenarios as possible. A plan might look good on paper but could have flaws when put into effect. Adding Slyde to your campus can help make sure you have multiple pathways for evacuating disabled or injured students.
Not only could Slyde give you multiple pathways for evacuating individuals, it could also keep you from a lawsuit. There has been several lawsuits in recent years in which some schools thought they were prepared with proper evacuation plans, but were not. Their plans failed to accommodate some their students that were disabled or had limited mobility when it mattered.
Be planned and be prepared. We can’t predict when tragedy strikes, we can only be prepared. Slyde can help insure your students and facility will be properly evacuated.