Improving Campus Security with Gunshot Detection

Here’s how to select the right gunshot detection solution for your organization.
Published: December 14, 2021

Campuses are scrambling for ways to address the disturbing number of gun violence incidents at U.S. schools, colleges and healthcare facilities, and one technology that organizations are considering is gunshot detection.

But what type of system should you select, and how can you prevent false alarms?

To get the answers to these critical questions, Campus Safety Editor-in-Chief Robin Hattersley spoke with Brad McMullen, who is 3x LOGIC’s general manager of security products and solutions. In his interview, Brad talks about what makes a good gunshot detection system and how the right technology can tell the difference between something like a car backfiring and an actual gunshot.

For more information on 3xLOGIC’s gunshot detection solution, visit them online at 

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