Emergencies Don’t Make Plans. But You Can.

Be prepared for every emergency scenario with the industry’s most complete automated mass notification system.
Published: September 24, 2018

Timely notifications can save lives. And when it matters most — the sooner the notification is dispersed, the better. Technology has evolved over the years so that alerts and specific guidance can be sent automatically to those who need it. Predefining communications and actions for each emergency scenario within your mass notification system affords you precious time when needed most. When there is an emergency, you can launch those predefined communications to specific groups in one step. The time consumed by constructing a message and deciding who, how, and where to distribute — is the time that your people are uninformed and in harm’s way.

With college campuses, businesses, manufacturing, corporate, and government facilities stretching farther and larger, you must use multimodal endpoints to ensure you’re reaching everyone everywhere, through every medium possible. Sending only texts or emails is no longer enough. Integrating all of your endpoints allows you to deliver emergency notifications and guidance to people no matter where they are and what they are doing; Instantly and simultaneously.

Optimal emergency response management requires more than simply sending out emergency text alerts. A mass notification system isn’t a powerful tool unless you align it to your organization’s emergency response and action plan. This brings your plan to life in the form of notifications and technological actions. For example, Omnilert’s Scenarios allows you to align, capture, and immediately initiate your organization’s emergency response plan’s actions. Scenarios also allow easy integration with other independently monitored systems to automatically trigger specific responses. All the while helping your team effectively respond even while experiencing the stress and adrenaline of an emergency situation. You can have confidence that your initial response will be as immediate, reliable, and effective as possible.

Omnilert’s approach to mass notification systems and technology is guided by our belief that no person should die or suffer needlessly due to a lack of timely information. Click here to learn more about how we can help you keep your people safe.

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Make sure to register for the Campus Safety Magazine Online Summit being held October 2-3. We are speaking in the session “Are Your Emergency Notifications Keeping Up with the Times.”

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