“How Safe Is Your Campus?” Survey Closes TODAY!

Published: July 28, 2010

Is your institution prepared to respond effectively to an active shooter? Does your campus or district have appropriate emergency/crisis plans that are up-to-date? Are sexual assaults effectively handled by your department and institution?

If you work for a university, school or hospital and are responsible for public safety, security and/or emergency management, we want to hear from you. Campus Safety Magazine is asking you to take our brand new “How Safe Is Your Campus” survey. Upon completion of our poll, you will be entered for a chance to win a $100 American Express gift card!

The questionnaire will take about five minutes to complete, and your answers, E-mail address and identity, as well as that of your campus will remain confidential. The results will appear in a future issue of Campus Safety as well as on www.campussafetymagazine.com.

Click the link below to take the survey now.

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The purpose of this study is to raise public awareness about campus safety, security and emergency management issues. We also encourage you to forward this message to other campus security professionals so their input can be included in our tabulations.

Be sure to complete the survey by the end of the day today (July 29).

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