Exclusive Study: Campuses Continue to Embrace Access Control
Posted on April 5, 2017·By CS Staff
In the past three years, K-12 campuses have made progress in lockdown. Now, 43% can lockdown 100% of their campuses, compared to only 35% in 2014, although fewer can lockdown 75-99% of their buildings.
Institutions of higher education have made some progress as well. Nearly a third (30%) can lockdown 75-99% of their campuses, which is a seven-point increase compared to three years ago. The number of colleges that can lockdown 100% of their campuses have gone up by three percentage points.
Unfortunately, hospitals have not fared as well. Although 20% can still lockdown 100% of their facilities, the percentage of those that can lockdown 75-99% has dropped five percentage points from 42% in 2014 to 37% today. Those facilities that can lockdown 51-74% of their hospitals dropped by six percentage points.