See What Hospital Security Experts Will Present at the Campus Safety National Forum in D.C.

The Campus Safety National Forum in Washington, D.C. will be split up into three tracks designed to serve the needs of security professionals in different fields: K-12, higher education and hospitals.
Published: April 22, 2015

The Campus Safety National Forum being held June 24-26 in our nation’s capital is a can’t-miss educational event for security, emergency management, law enforcement and administrators responsible for the protection of hospitals and schools. Topics covered will include security planning for public health emergencies, evaluating and budgeting security infrastructure upgrades, threat assessments and more.

The conference and exhibitor expo will take place at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City in Washington, D.C. To register for the event, visit

Here’s the educational session lineup for the National Forum’s hospital track:

Carolinas Healthcare System (CHS) Director Bryan Warren and CHS Investigation Manager Russell Richardson will identify common security sensitive areas in hospitals, discuss applicable regulatory issues and cover best practices for the health care industry. There will also be an interactive exercise where participants respond to media announcements, develop emergency response plans and more.

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Northern Virginia Community College Police Lieutenant John Weinstein will discuss factors that cause potential conflicts, identify behavioral cues that could indicate violence and talk about tools to prevent or defuse toxic situations.

Steven DeArruda, a senior security consultant, and Charles Peele, a network manager for information systems, will explain the tools and techniques needed to successfully implement major security infrastructure upgrades at your institution, including selecting the right technology and accurately assessing budgetary requirements.

Stephen Lopez, the Chief of the New Mexico University Police Department, will talk about the ways unarmed security personnel can help in an active killer incident, discuss training strategies for unarmed security forces and identify ways to integrate unarmed security with armed personnel during active killer incidents.

Lopez will also host a session giving executives without experience as a Public Relations Officer (PIO) tips on dealing with the media.  The session will talk about the needs of news organizations and give techniques to deliver effective messages during major incidents.

Managing Director of Agile Risk Group Inc. Dominick DeRubbio will give an overview of relevant OSHA standards and explain how to properly report workplace injuries. Emphasis will be placed on hazard communication, fall protection, permit-required confined spaces, respiratory protection, personal protective equipment, recordkeeping procedures and more.

Managing Partner at SIGMA Threat Management Associates Gene Deisinger will explain the dynamics of targeted violence in the workplace, develop strategies for early identification and intervention of violence and help organizations apply threat management strategies in accordance with contemporary standards of violence prevention.

The Assistant Chief for the New York State University Police Department Lawrence Zacarese will discuss planning gaps and lessons learned from his experience dealing with Superstorm Sandy in October 2012. Zacarese will also demonstrate the advantages of leveraging technology to create a proactive culture when it comes to dealing with natural disasters.

Director of Security Services at Mayo Clinic Health System Drew Neckar will talk about the inadequacies of traditional efforts to stop an active shooter, look at the successes and failures of one hospital’s response to a specific incident and cover basic elements of a security program that can prevent an active shooter.

Senior Consulting Psychologist for SIGMA Threat Management Associates Jeffrey Pollard will look at five recent cases where mental health providers suffered profound adversity from their clients. Pollard will then discuss research suggesting a dual-level approach to increased safety as a starting point for developing a methodology for handling difficult legal, ethical and clinical positions dangerous clients can create.

Director of Marketing and Design for Code Blue Corporation David Fleming will talk about techniques for effective emergency notifications. Fleming will start by helping choose the right message and systems for your audience and then explain how to make the emergency message simple for the sender and receiver.

University Meteorologist Kevin Kloesel will explain how Oklahoma University is approaching weather safety awareness in daily operations and discuss weather monitoring, forecasting and decision-making strategies.

Strategic Planning Coordinator for Monroe Community College Richard Schill will explain how to initiate emergency response and notification systems, how to best protect faculty, staff, patients and property, and give important steps to a new emergency alert notification system.

President of Healthcare Security Consultants Inc. Thomas Smith will discuss the essential elements of a healthcare workplace violence risk assessment, explain how to update your existing workplace violence policy and give techniques for developing your threat assessment team.

Executive Director of Safe Havens International Michael Dorn, our keynote speaker, will explain how mental stimulation can be used to improve emergency preparedness, how pattern matching and recognition can enhance security and how Dorn drills can be implemented to improve traditional skills.

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