School Officer Arrested for Lying About Shooting

Published: January 27, 2011

WOODLANDS HILLS, Calif. — An officer who claimed he had been shot in the chest outside of El Camino Real High School – causing two school lockdowns that lasted for hours – may have fabricated the incident, according to the Los Angeles Police Department. Jeff Stenroos was arrested on Jan. 27 for filing a false police report.

Stenroos, an eight-year veteran of the Los Angeles School Police Department (LASPD), has been relieved of duty and will soon be fired, the Los Angeles Times reports. He was released from jail Friday morning on $20,000 bail.

Strenroos claimed he had been shot by a man who was breaking into vehicles near campus, and that his ballistic vest had saved his life. In response to the incident, police locked down a 7-square-mile area of Woodlands Hills.

Strenroos was arrested after admitting to LAPD officials that he had fabricated his story.

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