BUFFALO, N.Y.—A psychiatric patient at Erie County Medical Center (ECMC) has been charged with second-degree assault after attacking a nurse at the hospital.
Terrance Caldwell, 22, allegedly approached the psychiatric unit’s nurses’ station and punched registered nurse Kelly McCain in the head and face, kicked her and choked her with a telephone receiver, reports BuffaloNews.com. The incident occurred on Aug. 18 around 2:30 p.m. McCain is said to be in good condition.
ECMC officials would not discuss incident details; however, hospital personnel said hospitals throughout the nation, including ECMC, are dealing with a rise in aggressive behavior among mental health patients.
The hospital has contracted with Horizon Health to help manage the psychiatric program in a way to deal with more aggressive behavior. Additionally, more security has been added on the psychiatric floor, and officials are seeking to create a separate section for more violent patients.