Latest In: Violence Against Women

Active Shooter Anti-Semitism Child Abuse Hate Crimes Hate Speech High School Shooting Mental Health Racism School Shooting Social Media Threat Assessments Threat Management Violence Against Women
Antioch High School Shooting: Gunman Idolized Mass Murderers, Embraced Alt-Right Content, Solomon Henderson

Antioch High School Shooter Idolized Mass Murderers, Embraced Alt-Right Content

Online postings allegedly from the shooter praised Adolf Hitler and included selfies with various alt-right paraphernalia and explicit…

News January 23
Access Control Dating Abuse Dating Violence Domestic Violence Dorm Security Mental Health Suicide Violence Against Women
Rice University Student Killed in Alleged Murder Suicide, Jones College, Andrea Rodriguez Avila, domestic violence, dating violence

Rice University Student Killed in Alleged Murder Suicide

The victim and the alleged gunman were reportedly in a troubled, long-distance relationship.

News August 28
Dating Violence Domestic Violence High School Shooting School Shooting School Violence School Violence Prevention Student Violence Violence Against Women
School Shooters Violence Against Women

70% of School Shooters Perpetuated Violence Against Women, Lehigh Study Finds

The Lehigh University study analyzed the profiles of 59 boys and men who carried out school shootings between…

News April 1
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Assault Campus Violence Dating Abuse Dating Violence Domestic Violence Relationship Violence Student Safety Student Violence University Security Violence Against Women Violence Prevention
Tinder Releases Safe Dating Guide for College Students

Tinder Releases Safe Dating Guide for College Students

The popular dating app sees the highest number of new 18-year-old members between the months of August and…

News August 28
Cell Phones Clery Act Cover Story Crime Prevention Social Media Stalking Texting Title IX Violence Against Women
stalking, violence, intimate partner violence, dating, sexual assault

Stalking on Campus: A Silent Epidemic

The first steps to combating stalking include taking it seriously, having an appropriate policy, and training campus personnel…

News May 3
Chemical Disasters Hazmat Student Health Student Safety Terrorism Violence Against Women
poison, poisonings, Iranian

More Than 1,200 Girls Possibly Poisoned at Iranian Schools

The students described smelling weird odors before falling ill. Iranian officials now say the poisonings could be chemical…

News March 7
Crimes Against Women Domestic Violence Human Trafficking Public Safety Violence Against Women
Conference on Crimes Against Women

Anti-Trafficking Expert to Keynote 18th Annual Conference on Crimes Against Women

Nearly 50 million people are trafficked around the world and it is estimated 10,000 to 150,000 people are…

Press Releases February 19
Clery Act Dating Abuse Dating Violence Domestic Violence Title IX Violence Against Women Violence Against Women Act VAWA
crimes against women

The Conference on Crimes Against Women Returns to Dallas with Keynote Speaker Mark Wynn

Data shows that crimes against women have increase during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Press Releases May 13
Active Shooter Campus Shootings Fraternities and Sororities School Shooting Threat Assessments Violence Against Women

FBI Uncovers Incel Plot Targeting Ohio State

Documents found in the home of the suspect detailed plans to commit hate crimes against women, indicating Ohio…

News July 26
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series