OCR’s Lhamon to Speak at Clery Center Event

U.S. Department of Education OCR Assistant Secretary Catherin Lhamon will be the featured speaker Nov. 13 at 'Looking Back, Moving Forward: 25 Years of the Jeanne Clery Act.'
Published: September 22, 2015

WASHINGTON—There have been a lot of advances in campus safety and security over the past quarter century thanks to the Jeanne Clery Act, and in November, the Clery Center for Security On Campus will look back at the law’s impact as well as today’s college campus protection challenges.

Looking Back, Moving Forward: 25 Years of the Jeanne Clery Act will take place Nov. 13 at the Newseum in Washington, D.C., and Catherine Lhamon, the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights’ assistant secretary will be the event’s featured speaker. The event will also bring together public safety and victim advocacy professionals, policymakers and administrators to lead challenging discussions that will result in a policy panel representing experts from different organizations to discuss the next steps in campus safety.

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Topics covered will include the Clery Act, policy, Title IX, LGBT issues, climate surveys and leadership. Specifically:

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  • Industry leaders will share their expertise in the field of violence prevention
  • Attendees and industry leaders will discuss pending legislation and what Clery Act implementation may look like going forward
  • Attendees will learn how other institutions have tackled violence prevention and response, effective team building and creating inclusive communities in case study-based sessions
  • Attendees will also learn about the steps their institutions can take to improve responsiveness to student survivors’ needs, beyond compliance requirements.

Public safety, law enforcement and administration professionals working in higher education are encouraged to attend. The registration fee is $250 per person and includes a free ticket to the Newseum, breakfast, lunch and a cocktail reception the evening before the event. For more information, visit http://clery25.clerycenter.org.

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