Miami Private School to Require 30-day Quarantine of Students Who Get COVID Vaccine

School officials believe vaccinated students can infect unvaccinated students. However, unvaccinated people are actually much more infectious.
Published: October 18, 2021


Miami, Florida – The Centner Academy is requiring students who get vaccinated for COVID-19 to stay at home for 30 days after each dose.

Parents of students at the private school received a letter from its chief operating officer that said, “…if you are considering the vaccine for your Centner Academy student(s), we ask that you hold off until the Summer when there will be time for the potential transmission or shedding onto others to decrease,” reports WSVN.

The letter also said that if parents choose to vaccinate their children before then that they would need to stay at home from school for at least 30 days after each dose of vaccine.

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The reason for the post-vaccine quarantine? The belief by school officials that vaccinated students can infect unvaccinated students.

However, research actually indicates that people who are vaccinated are much less likely than those who have not received the COVID-19 shots to infect unvaccinated people. The CDC is urging all parents to get their children vaccinated once they become eligible.

Those who do get vaccinated might experience some symptoms, but that’s an indication the body “is building protection against the virus,” reports the CDC. Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson and AztraZeneca vaccines are all very effective at preventing hospitalization and death from COVID-19, reports Business Insider.

This past spring, the Centner Academy said teachers who were vaccinated wouldn’t be allowed back on campus or work with students. In a letter to parents, school co-founder Leila Centner said “vaccinated persons may be transmitting something from their bodies that could harm others who aren’t vaccinated — impacting fertility and the development of children.”

There is no evidence that these claims are true.

At least one student told their parent that a teacher told them to keep their distance from their vaccinated parents, not to hug them for more than five seconds and not to get vaccinated, reports Local10.

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