Meet the Hospital Security Experts Presenting at the Campus Safety Conference in Chicago

The Campus Safety conference in Chicago will be split up into three tracks designed to serve the needs of security professionals in different fields: K-12, higher education and hospitals.
Published: July 3, 2015

The Campus Safety conference being held July 13-14 in Chicago, Ill., is a can’t-miss educational event for security officers, emergency management personnel and administrators responsible for the protection of hospitals and schools. Topics covered will include establishing threat assessment teams in medical facilities, the evolution of data privacy, outsourcing security services and much more.

The conference and exhibitor expo will take place at the Rosemont Hilton in Chicago. To register for the event, visit

Here’s the educational line up for the conference’s hospital track:

  • Director of Security Services at Mayo Clinic Health System Drew Neckar will talk about the inadequacies of traditional efforts to stop an active shooter, look at the successes and failures of one hospital’s response to a specific incident and cover basic elements of a security program that can prevent an active shooter.
  • Director of Marketing and Design for Code Blue Corporation David Fleming will talk about techniques for effective emergency notifications. Fleming will start by helping choose the right message and systems for your audience and then explain how to make the emergency message simple for the sender and receiver.
  • Director of Security and transportation at Sinai Health System Scott Levy will use his experience outsourcing his security officer program to show how others can develop and successfully implement a security services request.
  • Senior Vice President of AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions Mike Smith will cover emergency response techniques for extreme weather, including using the latest technology to get advanced notification of tornado danger, and discuss the process of determining whether or not to move patients in the event of extreme weather.
  • Legal Council for Absolute Software Corporation Stephen Treglia will look at the data privacy landscape, give an overview of where privacy regulations stand today and explain where he thinks state and federal legislators will go next.
  • University of Texas Police Chief William Adcox, California State University Public Safety Director Rick Wall and Executive Director of Employee Health and Well Being at MD Anderson Cancer Center Georgia Thomas will demonstrate the effectiveness of a hospital Threat Assessment Team, identify key members of the team and their roles and give best practices for establishing the team.
  • Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Security Training Coordinator Joel Lashley and Director of Security Mike Thiel will explain why violence is common in hospitals and clinics and teach the methods for their violence prevention initiative.

To register for the event, visit

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