The International Healthcare Security & Safety (IAHSS) celebrated its golden anniversary April 15-18 in Chicago at its 50th Annual Conference and Exhibition at the Sheraton Grand Chicago. With record-breaking attendance, the event was packed with educational sessions, vendor exhibits and networking opportunities.
One of the highlights of the conference was the IAHSS Foundation Recognition Ceremony and Banquet held April 17, where members and friends of the association were honored for their outstanding achievements in furthering the goals and objectives of the healthcare security and safety profession.
Campus Safety’s very own Executive Editor Robin Hattersley was presented with the Elwood Near Presidential award in recognition of her “outstanding contributions, dedication and service to the association and to the field of healthcare security and safety.”
Check out our slideshow of the winners!
The recognition took Hattersley by surprise.
“I had absolutely no idea I was going to receive this award,” she says. “I’m completely honored, humbled and grateful for the recognition, not to mention, very touched. Thank you IAHSS and IAHSS Immediate Past President Martin Green for this award. All of us at Campus Safety magazine work incredibly hard to keep all of you informed about what is going on in the ever-changing world of campus security, law enforcement and emergency management. It warms my heart to know that it’s appreciated, especially by a world-class organization like the IAHSS.”
IAHSS Medals of Honor Presented to Hospital Security Officers
Medals of valor were also presented to three hospital security officers for their selfless or courageous acts taken at the risk of their own lives with full awareness of the danger involved.
Officers Brandon Janeski and David Walker of McLaren Greater Lansing Hospital, Greenlaw Campus were the first to receive medals. Boston Medical Center’s Constance Packard, who was the mistress of ceremonies, described Janeski’s and Walker’s heroic efforts.
“On Aug. 12, Officer Janeski and Officer Walker were advised about a patient who was brought in by the local police earlier in the day and was still in the ED and had displayed combative and hostile behavior to the staff. As the shift began the police were no longer with the patient and staff attempted to treat him. On numerous occasions Officer Janeski and Officer Walker as well as others were called to respond to the patient’s room for his agitated and aggressive behavior to staff. He was even more verbally uncooperative and aggressive. Suddenly, he charged at staff with medical equipment in an attempt to assault them. Officer Janeski and Officer Walker gave him commands to calm down but he continued to get out of control and staff began to feel this was escalating to a potential life threatening situation. The patient then began swinging drawers and the metal tracks from the drawers in the direction of these two officers. Calls were made to local police to respond. The patient then broke a glass window and attempted to stab officers with a broken piece of glass while stating, ‘someone is going to die today!’ He then began to cut his own wrist. The local police department arrived to assist Officer Janeski and Officer Walker with getting the patient under control. At first he started to comply then continued to fight them all. The police gave the command that they were going to Taser the patient and he continued to charge at them and was tased for a second time as more police officers began to arrive in the ED where staff and others were very frightened. The patient once under controlled was treated by the medical staff.”
Officer Charles Kraeling of Vancouver Island Health hospital also received the medal of valor for his response to a July 19 Code White call at his facility.
“The patient was swinging a knife at clinical staff who had their hands up and were backing out of the area, as well as three other patients who were in the area and showing signs of being afraid,” described Packard. “Officer Kraeling attempted to stop the patient by using equipment (fire extinguisher) but the patient still refused to drop the knife and was wandering the area. Officer Kraeling was the primary officer on scene and while protecting other officers and staff, he took the patient to the ground and removed the knife from his hand. The patient continued to struggle with Officer Kraeling until they could get him under control.”
A medal of merit was awarded to Lena Allen, who is a security officer at Sand Joseph Hospital in Denver. The Medal of Merit is awarded to one or more individuals who have distinguished themselves in the performance of duty through an act of personal fortitude that is above and beyond the call of duty.
“On June 17, the security staff responded to a call in the garage at Saint Joseph Hospital which is a large inner city facility on the east side of downtown Denver, “said Packard. “A patient had just left the hospital AMA and was now sitting on the ledge of the garage. Officer Lena Allen was first on the scene. She quickly assessed the situation and attempted to talk the patient off the ledge and back to safety. Rational conversation wasn’t working, and while other officers arrived to assist, Officer Allen jumped up on the ledge and grabbed the patient under the arms. As she lifted and pulled the patient back in the garage, the other officers took hold of the patient’s legs and the group fell back into the garage. The individual was eventually restrained and taken to the ED for treatment. Because of her decisive actions, Officer Allen saved the patient from severe injury or possible death. “
UT’s Adcox Wins Russel Colling Medal for Literary Achievement
University of Texas Police Department at Houston Police Chief William Adcox was awarded the Russell Colling Medal for Literary Achievement. This award is presented to an individual who, through his/her literary abilities, had made a significant and lasting contribution to healthcare security, safety and risk management profession.
“Chief Adcox has a long exemplified level of commitment to the organizations he serves and has been recognized as a model for others,” said Packard. “He has been described as one who recognizes the impact of safety and security on a college and healthcare campus, and has been aggressive in sharing his expertise through publications and presentations in the security healthcare industry.
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“Chief Adcox is a champion of innovative programs in the hospital such as vertical policing and threat management and is regarded as a subject matter expert in his field. Chief Adcox has shared his knowledge in healthcare journals, campus safety magazines and law enforcement forums. Chief Adcox on behalf of his department has received numerous awards and recognitions, including receiving the Lindberg Bell award in 2015. He has great community leadership in supporting youth initiative programs as well as having many publications and citations.”
Nelson Receives Distinguished Lifework Achievement Service Award
Rick Nelson received the Distinguished Lifework Achievement Service Award, which is presented to an individual who has distinguished himself/herself throughout a fulfilled professional career devoted to the furtherance of the purpose of the IAHSS Foundation and the goals and objectives of the association.
“He has been described by his peers as a trusted professional who has served IAHSS for over 40 years,” said Packard. “He started his healthcare career in 1977, primarily in three large Seattle healthcare organizations as an unquestioned leader in this part of the country. His commitment to the importance of the IAHSS certifications has never wavered during his four-decade tenure in each of the organizations he served. His leadership and mentorship resulted in him receiving the prestigious IAHSS Philip Gaffney Faculty Chair award in 2008.
Check out our slideshow of the winners!
“His last employer Seattle Cancer Care Alliance stated, ‘He embraced the philosophy that security can play a significant role in ensuring safe quality care for patients. His impact at this facility was so significant they named a scholarship award after him, which is awarded to a worthy security officer to support their education. He was the ultimate safety professional, dedicating his legacy to developing people, process and technology to build a culture of safety and growing the healthcare safety profession.’
“Holding more than 10 IAHSS positions in his career, under his leadership in 2008 he was awarded the Chapter of the year for the Washington State chapter. He has been awarded life member status as well as the CHPA-L status. He was also awarded the IAHSS-F Medal of Distinction in 2015. One of his peers was quoted as saying, ‘In some sense he helped legitimize us Canadians. At least in the west, as professional equals with our U.S. colleagues. He invited us to conferences and meetings in Washington State and he attended IAHSS events in British Columbia and Alberta. He treated us with respect and dignity, introduced us as colleagues and listened and learned from us as we did him.’
“We also honor him for his years of military duty in the U.Ss Army where he received several prestigious honors for his service. These accomplishments do not even begin to touch the surface for his contributions to healthcare security and overall safety.
“The Distinguished Lifetime Achievement Awarded has only been awarded seven times by the Foundation and a review of previous winners confirms this is an award reserved for only the very best in our industry. I cannot imagine a candidate more deserving of this award. In fact, one of his peers is quoted as saying, ‘I think it would be very fitting to have him receive this award at the IAHSS 50th Anniversary ACE in Chicago, given his recent retirement in our industry.’”
Los Angeles/Orange County Chapter Win Chapter of Distinction Award
The Los Angeles/Orange County IAHSS Chapter received the Chapter of Distinction Award. The Chapter of Distinction is recognized for demonstrating the greatest initiative and/or innovation in promoting the healthcare security and safety profession, as well as the International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety.
“This Chapter continues to provide training and education to their members, including certifying 18 new officers in the IAHSS basic program,” said Packard. “They have a wonderful collaboration with their partners at ASIS where in the past year they had a joint meeting with a presentation from the Joint Regional Intelligence Center within their county. They have been recognized for their ongoing work in workplace violence prevention in their state. The chapter has hosted IAHSS past presidents and gave a presentation on the pulse of healthcare security.
“In the past year they have sponsored officer of the year luncheons with a 20 percent increase in participation and honored 17 nominees. Their chapter took on the membership challenge from IAHSS and had a 19 percent increase in chapter members.”
Massachusetts General Hospital Wins Lindberg Bell Award
The final honor was the Lindberg Bell Program of Distinction award, which was presented to Massachusetts General Hospital. This award is presented to a facility that has established, administered and maintained an outstanding healthcare security and safety program.
“They have an extremely high level of professionalism, which is what the Lindberg Bell Award was intended for,” said Packard. “It was said in their submission letter and I quote, ‘A successful hospital department is not contingent on one specific program or service, but the sum of all its parts!’ Their mission statement is simply stated as being proactively and competently delivering protective and supportive service to their community. Their hospital has close to 1,000 beds, 48,000 admissions a year, 1.5 million outpatient visits a year and close to 100,000 ED visits. Clearly, a very busy place.
“The police and security department at this facility has an amazing internal team of committed, competent people who truly collaborate to accomplish their mission and goals, which, to no surprise, results in an extraordinarily high retention of its outstanding workforce. The department has received more awards by the hospital president called “Excellence in Action” than any other department at their facility. Clearly they have significant recognition and support from the hospital leadership and community.
“Some other areas I would highlight would be their workplace violence initiatives and training programs and expansive state-of-the-art technology with unique major systems and major dispatch center upgrades that include video walls. Last year they handled over 320,000 calls for service, and their powerful investigative unit had over 1,500 investigations. They are nationally known for their drug diversion program, unique domestic violence services, home health security program, and two areas I can certainly relate to the effective use of NARCAN and other quality of life issues like homelessness.”
Next year’s IAHSS Annual Conference and Exhibition will be in Orlando, Fla., May 19-22, 2019.