“Gun control? We need bullet control! I think every bullet should cost $5,000, because if a bullet cost $5,000, we wouldn’t have any innocent bystanders.” – Chris Rock
This quote made several years ago by comedian Chris Rock seems prophetic considering the amount of ammunition last week’s Colorado theater mass shooting suspect had on him at the time of the attack.
The alleged gunman stockpiled thousands of bullets and ballistic gear without raising any red flags, reports CBS News. He spent approximately $15,000 purchasing ammo online, some of which was delivered to his job on the University of Colorado campus.
Right now, almost anyone can purchase bullets and other accessories used for the sole purpose of killing other human beings via the Web, just like I buy books on Amazon.com. Isn’t it reasonable for the authorities to be alerted when someone purchases more than a reasonable amount of ammo?
Rock’s suggestion, albeit made in jest, sounds pretty good to me.
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