Latest In: Weapons

Campus Police Civil Unrest Drones Less Lethal Weapons Protest Weapons
University of California Board Approves More Weapons, Ammo for Campus Police Departments, UC Berkeley, UCSF, UCLA, UC Santa Cruz, UC Merced

University of California Board Approves More Weapons, Ammo for Campus Police Departments

Five campus police departments requested additional equipment, including UC Berkeley, UCSF, UCLA, UC Santa Cruz, and UC Merced.

News September 25
Active Shooter Edged Weapons Grants Guns on Campus Metal Detection School Shooting Security Officers Weapons Weapons Detection
Salt Lake City Schools Won’t Hire Staff to Operate Weapons Detectors, weapons screening, metal detection, gun violence, school security

Salt Lake City Schools Won’t Hire Staff to Operate Weapons Detectors

Last year the district spent more than $2 million on weapons detection systems in its high schools.

News July 31
Access Control Active Shooter Edged Weapons Guns on Campus Gunshot Detection Hospital Shootings Knife Attacks Metal Detection Research School Shooting Training Video Surveillance Weapons Weapons Detection
Weapons Detection Survey Finds Many Campuses Adopting Screening Technologies, metal detectors, gunshot detection

Weapons Detection Survey Finds Many Campuses Turning to Technology to Stop Gun Violence

The survey also found that more than one in four participants believe their organizations should screen for guns,…

Insights June 24
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Active Shooter Artificial Intelligence Guns on Campus Weapons Weapons Detection
Omnilert’s Comprehensive AI Visual Gun Detection Platform Protects Campuses from Gun Violence, Gun Detect, Mark Franken

Omnilert’s Comprehensive AI Visual Gun Detection Platform Protects Campuses from Gun Violence

Omnilert Gun Detect delivers reliable, 24/7 monitoring of gun threats using existing security cameras.

Sponsored June 24
Active Shooter Artificial Intelligence Cloud Computing Cloud Technology Edged Weapons Guns on Campus Knife Attacks Weapons Weapons Detection
SmartGateway is a weapons detection solution that maintains an open, inclusive environment by enabling discreet protection that minimizes disruptions.

SmartGateway from Xtract One Leverages AI to Detect Threats

SmartGateway is a weapons detection solution that maintains an open, inclusive environment by enabling discreet protection that minimizes…

Sponsored June 24
Guns on Campus High School Shooting Parking Security School Shooting Weapons
Seattle High School Student Shot to Death While Trying to Break Up Fight, Garfield High School, Amarr Murphy-Paine

Seattle High School Student Shot to Death While Trying to Break Up Fight

The shooting at Garfield High School happened in the parking lot at lunchtime.

News June 10
Armed Officers Campus Police Contract Security Employee Discipline Guns on Campus Negligence Officer Discipline Risk Management School Resource Officers (SROs) Security Officers Training Weapons
There have been several recent incidents involving armed officers who forgot to take their guns with them after using the bathroom on a K-12 campus. guns in bathrooms, police, security officers, negligent discharge

Police and Security Officers Keep Leaving Their Guns in School Bathrooms

There have been several recent incidents involving armed officers who forgot to take their guns with them after…

News March 26
Campus Police Campus Violence Crime Student Safety University Police University Security Weapons
Fullerton College

Teens Head Stomp, Swing Axe at Fullerton College Security Officers

Police said the teens "punched, kicked, head stomped, and eye gouged" an officer, and one of the suspects…

News October 17
Access Control Active Shooter Alcohol Abuse Bullying Campus Police Crime Cyberbullying Emergency Planning Gangs Graffiti Hate Crimes ID Cards Mental Health Research School Shooting Security Officers Title IX Video Surveillance Weapons Workplace Violence
school crime

2022 School Crime Data: Report on Indicators of School Crimes and Safety

Here’s a brief overview of the latest U.S. school and college crime trends, according to a new report…

News September 20
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series