Des Moines, Iowa – The Des Moines Public School (DMPS) district has announced that it will increase security at all of its high schools. The move came two weeks after 15-year-old Jose David Lopez was fatally shot outside East High School. Two female students were also injured during the drive-by shooting.
The stepped up security measures include more patrols by DMPS public safety security and the Des Moines Police Department in the high school parking lots and surrounding neighborhoods, reports Iowa Public Radio. More security cameras that face the streets will also be installed. Additionally, the district is reviewing its bus routes and looking for ways to bolster security at pick-up and drop-off locations.
The district will also soon be hosting a series of roundtables where community members can offer ideas the district can improve school security.
Immediately after the shooting at East High School, the campus was closed for about two weeks. During that time, grief counseling was made available to students and staff, and it will continue to be offered.
One positive thing that came out of this tragedy is that it has brought the campus and community closer together. School officials say they are proud of the support they’ve received from outside the community as well.
DMPS Associate Superintendent Matt Smith said that gun violence doesn’t just happen in his district, but nationally, and the problem needs to be addressed nationally.