Collaborate To Gain, Give Respect

Incorporating many viewpoints ensures all aspects of campus public safety are addressed.
Published: April 29, 2010

I just participated in a fascinating, revealing and quite productive discussion focused on ways to improve campus safety through facility design concepts, policies and procedures and proper application of security, safety and emergency preparedness technologies. The discussion involved public safety officials, campus administrators, architects, product vendors and others who are sometimes involved in the design and construction of new educational facilities. 

There was a strong consensus that the wide array of viewpoints made this discussion a particularly helpful one. Many comments were voiced that the person speaking had changed their views of one or more of the other disciplines once they were all involved in the group dialogue. Cops better understood architects and architects gained improved respect for the skills of educators as a result of the activity. Facilitated by an architect who set a very positive tone of respect and an eagerness for an open dialogue, the mutual respect combined with a willingness to challenge and to be challenged across disciplines set a superb tone.

I have always found these types of discussions to be highly informative and am often deeply impressed with the wisdom I am exposed to when I am afforded to opportunity to view school safety issues through a lens different from my own.

Keep up the great work and your quest to learn more about the important topic of campus safety.

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