Classroom Bullying on the Rise

Published: November 16, 2009

School bullies are now targeting their victims inside classrooms, lunchrooms and school hallways, according to a study released at an American Public Health Association meeting.

The study, which surveyed more than 10,000 middle school students, found that 43 percent of those students were bullied within the past month with nearly two-thirds being bullied more than once during that time.

The survey found that more than half of those students were teased or called hurtful names. Eight percent of respondents skipped school to avoid being bullied while 25 percent skipped recess and avoided the bathrooms or lunch to steer clear of the harassment, reported HealthDay News. Another 28 percent said they had belongings taken or broken by bullies.

The study suggests that students who are harassed in classrooms felt more threatened and unsafe on campus than other students.

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