School, hospital and university security and public safety trends keep evolving, getting more complex and challenging every day. That’s why Campus Safety magazine has launched its educational webcast series on a wide variety of topics that are important to you.
Here are just a few of Campus Safety’s on-demand webcasts that you can view any time, on your computer, smart phone or tablet:
K.I.S.U.S. – Emergency Planning for Complex Emergencies
Stephen Lopez, Chief of the New Mexico State University Police Department discusses how to apply the KISUS (Keep It Simple Under Stress) principle so that emergency plans are easy to train, learn, and utilize.
Handling the Aftermath of an Active Shooter Event
This webinar is intended for educational institutions and will help participants prepare to deal with the aftermath of an active shooter/killer event.
Caring for School First Responders – Learn How to Cope AFTER School Violence
Join us for this important webcast with the Director of Security and Emergency Planning, Littleton Public Schools, Colorado to learn how to cope after a tragic incident occurs on campus.
The Five Layers of School Safety
School safety does not have to be expensive. Creating a positive school climate costs almost nothing and can significantly reduce the threat of violence in schools. Join us for this on-demand webinar presented by Gary L. Sigrist, Jr. as he discusses five layers of school safety.
Other webcast topics covered include bomb threats, Title IX, weather plans, security technology and more.