Check Out These Must-See Webcasts from Campus Safety!

Need help with your threat assessments and funding? Campus Safety’s upcoming webcasts will provide expert input on these important topics.
Published: March 22, 2021

If you are responsible for security, public safety, emergency management or facilities at a school or institution of higher education, Campus Safety’s online presentations have the information you need to succeed.

If your job requires you to analyze threats quickly when they arise, Using AI-Powered Technology to Improve Threat Assessments and Crisis Response is the webcast for you. Join OnSolve’s Director of Government Strategy Troy Harper on March 25 as he shares how incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) technology into your crisis response procedures can enable your threat assessment teams to cut through the noise and prepare for the next major critical event.

Those crises could run the gamut, from public health emergencies to active shooters to civil unrest and natural disasters. Troy will discuss how having AI’s ability to analyze critical data quickly and effectively can often be the difference between life and death.

The webcast airs on Thursday, March 25 at 2 p.m. Eastern. Register now!

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Need Funding? Watch Our March 31 Webcast

If your school or university is struggling to find funding for your safety and security infrastructure projects, our March 31 webcast, titled How to Access COVID Relief Funding to Improve Safety and Comfort on Your Campus, can help.

New COVID relief funding from the federal government totaling more than $130 billion is available so that our nation’s schools can resume operations and improve the long-term security and safety of their buildings. Campus Safety’s March 31 webcast will feature Julie Brown, Cheryl Aquadro, Russ Garcia and Craig Sharman of Johnson Controls. These four industry experts will cover how to tap into these new federal funds to provide safer environments and improve campus health with technology and a smart, layered approach.

The webcast will air on Thursday, March 31 at 2 p.m. Eastern. Register now!

Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series