Alabama 9th Grader Shot, Killed by Classmate

Published: February 6, 2010

A male ninth grade Discovery Middle School student was shot in the head by a classmate Feb. 5. The alleged shooter has been arrested and charged with murder.

The incident occurred just before 2 p.m. in a hallway.  According to WHNT News, a school resource officer on campus immediately responded, and firefighters were on the scene within two minutes. The victim, 15-year-old Todd Brown, was then rushed to a local hospital, where he died of his injuries.

The campus was placed on lockdown, and at 3 p.m., students were released to their parents.

Police are investigating what led to the incident. The suspect’s attorney told the Washington Post that the incident was most likely gang related because the shooter is in a gang. The suspect has been charged with murder. A hearing next week will determine if the shooter, who is 14, will be tried as an adult.

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A community meeting was held Sunday, Feb. 7, where school officials told attendees that a community support line has been established. It will be staffed by volunteers trained in counseling starting Feb. 8. Extra police have also been deployed at the school.

Additionally, a number of handouts were distributed on how parents should talk to their children about the tragedy. Links to those handouts can be found at The school system will be setting up a link on its Web site where students, parents, and other concerned citizens can submit suggestions and ideas for the joint task force that will be looking into ways to improve safety.

For more information, click here.

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