8th Annual NJ CUPSA Conference to Cover Clery, Colleges’ Response to Hurricane Sandy

Published: March 2, 2013

The New Jersey College and University Public Safety Associations (NJ CUPSA) eighth annual conference and IACLEA regional conference will take place April 10-12 in Atlantic City, N.J., at the Resorts Hotel and Casino.

Colonel Danny R. McKnight, U.S. Army (Ret.) will kick off the event as keynote speaker. Jerry Matthews, who is the assistant vice president for public safety at NYU, and Robin Friedman, who is NYU’s  director of emergency management and business continuity will discuss their school’s public safety response to super storm Sandy. Additionally Dolores Stafford, who was formerly the police chief of George Washington University, will provide an update on Clery Act compliance. IACLEA accreditation and threat management are other topics that will be addressed. Vendors will also display their goods and services at the conference.

To register for the event, contact Vickie Weaver at (609) 896-5049 or E-mail her at [email protected]. For hotel reservations, contact the hotel directly at (888) 797-7700 and use group code VCUPSA. Hotel reservations can all be made online by clicking here.

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Tagged with: Clery Act, Hurricanes

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