Latest In: Sexual Health

Clery Act Clery Compliance Sexual Health Student Health Student Safety
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners

Auburn University Nurses Certified as Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners

All six nurses at the school's medical clinic volunteered to complete the certification, which allows them to perform…

News February 3
Investigations Patient Safety Sexual Abuse Reporting Sexual Harassment Sexual Health Student Safety UCLA
ucla settlement

UCLA Pays Over $3.5M to Settle James Heaps Sexual Assault Allegations

The former UCLA gynecologist has pleaded not guilty to the allegations and said he will not contribute any…

News July 10
Fraud Lawsuits LGBTQ+ Issues Negligence Patient Safety Sexual Harassment Sexual Health Student Safety University of Southern California USC
lgbtq students sue

Update: 21 LGBTQ Students Sue USC, Sexual Health Physician

The students' allegations against USC and the school's physician include sexual battery, gender violence, sexual harassment, negligence and…

News March 8
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Mental Health Sexual Harassment Sexual Health Workplace Safety
sexual assault victims

Study Finds Sexual Assault Victims Experience Long-term Health Complications

New research shows that women who have been sexually assaulted or harassed are more likely to experience depression…

News October 8
CDC Drug Abuse Mental Health Sexual Health Student Health Suicide
CDC Report

CDC Report: Fewer High School Students Having Sex, Using Drugs

The CDC, however, also found more U.S. high school students are feeling depressed and have considered attempting suicide.

News June 18
Bullying Child Sexual Abuse Research Sexual Abuse Sexual Health Teen Pregnancy
Teen Pregnancy

Study: Teen Pregnancy Risk Increases Among Bisexuals, Lesbians

The study found teenagers who identify as bisexual are five times more likely to have a teen pregnancy…

News March 19
Research Sexual Health Student Data Student Health Student Safety
CDC High School Students Sex

CDC: Fewer High School Students Are Having Sex

The CDC used data from self-reported surveys taken by high school students in 29 states and broke it…

News January 9
LGBTQ+ Issues Sexual Health Student Supervision

Tenn. School Criticized for Allowing Gay-Straight Alliance Club

A video of the Feb. 8 school board meeting can be seen below.

News February 9
Clery Act Rape Sexual Abuse Sexual Harassment Sexual Health Student Safety

91 Percent of Colleges Report Zero Incidents of Rape

The study was conducted using the data provided to the Department of Education through the Clery Act.

News January 19
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series