2 Gun Mismanagement Incidents Happen at Schools in 2 Days
A gun was found in an unattended teacher’s purse, and a security officer accidentally discharged his firearm at…
News December 17A gun was found in an unattended teacher’s purse, and a security officer accidentally discharged his firearm at…
News December 17The officer was off-duty and not affiliated with either of the high schools participating in Friday’s football game.
News September 30There have been several recent incidents involving armed officers who forgot to take their guns with them after…
News March 26The gun that was left in the school bathroom was discovered by a student.
News March 25An armed security officer who worked for Bryan ISD left their firearm and holster in an elementary school…
News March 14One Fort Bend ISD officer left their gun in a bathroom, while another officer left theirs in a…
News March 5The verdict comes a month after Baylor settled another lawsuit filed by 15 women who alleged they were…
News October 26Police say the hospital security officers often “joke around,” and sometimes that involves pointing their guns at each…
News March 16The maintenance worker was shot in the eye when the gun went off.
News March 10