Latest In: Court Rulings

Court Rulings Hospital Investigations Hospital Violence Workplace Violence
ex-doctor death sentence

Ex-Doctor Sentenced to Death for Revenge Killing of 4 People in Nebraska

A former Creighton University medical resident linked to two separate attacks that killed four people in Nebraska has…

News September 20
Armed Officers Body-Worn Cameras Campus Police Court Rulings Guns on Campus University Police
portland state

Grand Jury Clears Portland State Officers Involved in Shooting

An Oregon jury decided the two campus police officers who shot and killed a man outside a bar…

News September 19
Campus Police Child Sexual Abuse Court Rulings Sexual Abuse Sexual Abuse Reporting Title IX
new larry nassar lawsuit

Another Lawsuit Against Larry Nassar and MSU Filed by Former Student

A new lawsuit has been filed by a former student, claiming Larry Nassar drugged, raped and impregnated her…

News September 18
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series