Latest In: Bombs

Bollards Bombs Event Security Grants Parking Security Stadium Security Terrorism Traffic Enforcement Traffic Safety Vehicle Accident
University of Cincinnati to Buy Security Barriers to Deter Vehicle Threats at Nippert Stadium, event security, bollards

University of Cincinnati to Buy Security Barriers to Deter Vehicle Threats at Nippert Stadium

Nippert Stadium hosts events that can attract more than 40,000 guests.

News January 23
Background Checks Bombs Contract Security Security Officers Student Safety

California School Security Officer Receives 2 Year Prison Sentence for Making Bombs with Teen, Lying to FBI

The high school security officer used Instagram to sell bombs and explosive materials, and worked closely with a…

News October 15
Bomb Detection Bomb Threat Protocol Bombs Explosions Explosives FBI Investigations Terrorism University Security
Northeastern University

Ex-Northeastern University Employee Convicted of Staging Hoax Explosion

The former Northeastern University lab manager was convicted on three counts and faces up to five years in…

News July 5
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Active Assailant Active Shooter Bombs Campus Police Energy Management Energy Savings Facilities Management Lockdown Locks and Door Hardware Natural Disasters NGS Films and Graphics Perimeter Security Research Security Officers Shootings Vandalism Visitor Management Window Film Window Security Windows
Glass Window and Door Security: A Growing Concern for Campus Protection Pros, school shootings, intruders, active shooter

Glass Window and Door Security: A Growing Concern for Campus Protection Pros

More than one in two campus protection professionals now say their glass doors and windows are the security…

News May 9
Active Assailant Active Bombers Active Shooter Arrow Security Background Checks Bombs Contract Security Security Officers Terrorism
Hatziagelis, Con Edison, John F. Kennedy Elementary School, Melinda Katz, Great Neck Public Schools, Kenneth Bossert, improvised explosive devices

NY School Security Officer, Brother Face 130 Charges Over Explosives, Weapons, and ‘Hit List’

At the time of his arrest, Angelo Hatziagelis was a security officer at the John F. Kennedy Elementary…

News January 31
Active Bombers Active Shooter Bombs Columbine Perry High School School Shooting Workplace Violence
shooting, Perry High School

UPDATE: 2 Killed, 6 Injured in Shooting at Perry High School in Iowa

The shooter at Perry High School died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, and police discovered an IED on…

News January 16
Bombs Edged Weapons Employee Safety Evolv Guns on Campus Mental Health Threats Weapons Detection
gun violence

New Research: 4 Out of 10 Educators Are Considering Quitting and Gun Violence Is a Reason Why

The survey, commissioned by Evolv Technology, quantifies and reveals the toll gun violence in our schools is taking…

Press Releases April 12
Access Control Active Assailant Active Bombers Active Killer Active Shooter Bombs Earthquakes Energy Management Homelessness Perimeter Security Protest Severe Weather Terrorism Theft Vandalism Window Film Windows
glass windows and doors

Survey: Glass Doors and Windows Pose Significant Security Vulnerabilities on Campus

According to Campus Safety’s latest survey, 43% of participants say their glass doors and windows are the security…

News March 31
Access Control Active Shooter Bombs Case Study Energy Management Energy Savings Protest Severe Weather Sun Control Plus Theft Vandalism Weather Emergencies Window Film Windows
security window film

Pittston Schools Bolster Campus Protection with Security Window Film

Security window film is cost effective, can slow down intruders, and saves on heating and cooling expenses.

News April 20
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series