Leveraging tools and practices that keep the right people informed at the right time goes a long way toward enhancing safety and security in schools and districts.
However, safety is an ongoing process. It requires continuous adaptations to respond to the needs of your school or district.
This eBook, Enhancing Safety and Communication in K-12 Schools: A 12-Month Guide, provides a detailed outline of the entire school year to advise on leading practices and steps you can take to make sure everyone is informed about emergency situations.
Topics include: How to leverage social media; Best ways to share critical information; Preparing for severe weather; Protecting your school from nearby threats; and many more.
Specifically, Enhancing Safety and Communication in K-12 Schools: A 12-Month Guide covers how you can start preparing for the 2021-2022 school year in June and July, including standardizing procedures and analyzing how you will distribute information. In August, you should focus on how to enhance communication and connectivity.
When the school year begins, campuses need to focus on things like school bell schedules, scalable solutions to your communications issues and bringing everything together.
During the middle of the year, your campus and district shouldn’t let down your guard. Although you should already have emergency plans in place, during the school year is a good time to confirm the measures you are taking to protect your school from outside threats is up to date. Can reach more people on more devices or with an additional strategy? Testing your communication devices is also critical so you know they’ll work during an actual emergency.
When spring arrives, it’s wise to review the ways you communicate emergency and non-emergency messages. Should your current system be expanded? Spring is a great time to ask this question. Spring is also a good time to review your severe weather response strategies, although weather emergencies can happen any time of the year.
When the end of the year approaches, it’s critical to prepare for graduations and the influx of visitors to your campus. Are your emergency communications plans and solutions up to the task?
Safety and communication are topics that should be addressed throughout the school year, and Enhancing Safety and Communication in K-12 Schools: A 12-Month Guide, will provide you with the strategies you need to adopt to keep your campus community optimally protected.