Instantaneous Communication is Possible for Your Crisis Response Team

Learn how technology has advanced so that your institution’s crisis response teams can communicate instantly at the outset of and ongoing during an emergency.
Published: May 30, 2018

A consistent problem identified in after-action reports is emergency communication between crisis response team members during an incident. Typically, a series of parallel, one-to-one conversations by phone, radio or email occur, leading to a group call.

In some ways, the pre-cell phone days were easier because we relied on walkie-talkies: at least then we could push-to-talk and everyone with a radio could hear what we were broadcasting. Pagers helped until cell phones became the norm. Conference calling was time-consuming and Nextel’s hybrid cellphone Push-to-Talk capability bridged the gap for a while. Eventually, users gravitated to call-in systems — another step up the evolutionary ladder.

Crisis communications has taken a giant step forward, however, with the advent of ZipBridge. ZipBridge is an instant group communication solution. With ZipBridge, any authorized individual can initiate a meeting by calling a contact in their phone or tapping a group in the app. Once launched, the members of the response team receive a call and are bridged together as they answer. No friction, delays, or hassles, just an instant emergency conference call with the core team when seconds count.

ZipBridge’s reverse conference calling service is an essential emergency preparedness tool, but instead of putting it in your gobag or on your belt, you add it as an app on your phone or a name in your contacts. It’s that simple. And so that you know that the call coming in is from ZipBridge, you can hear a distinctive, not-to-be-missed ringtone, even if you are in the next room or asleep. For more information and a free trial, visit

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Tagged with: ZipBridge

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