The Technical Resource for Incident Prevention (TRIPwire), from the Department of Homeland Security’s Office for Bombing Prevention, is a free, online information sharing resource on IED incidents, tactics, techniques, and procedures, as well as corresponding IED prevention and protective measures.
TRIPwire enhances domestic preparedness by giving the nation’s security and emergency services professionals valuable information and resources to prevent, protect, respond to, and mitigate bombing incidents.
Once users log into TRIPwire, they have access to the following resources:
- Daily Reporting on IED-related Incidents
- Official DHS and USG information products
- Open Source Reporting and Mapping
- IED incident and device profiles
- Incident Quick Look Reports
- Fire and Rescue Notes
- Patrol Officer Notes
- IED prevention, protection, and response resources
Click Here to Visit the TRIPwire Website
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