UT Knoxville Installs Solar-Powered Wireless Security

Published: July 21, 2012

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. —Solar Secure has installed its solar powered wireless security system on the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UT) campus.  UT is the first university in the country to install this new product.

Solar Secure is a modular structure designed to enable the deployment of security features with an innovative combination of renewable energy and wireless communications.  It incorporates an Emergence Assistance Station (EAS), video surveillance, and LED lighting, as well as Wi-Fi.  UT’s Solar Secure unit is the largest model, SunStation, and features a convenience outlet to charge a cell phone, laptop or tablet device.

UT was selected as Solar Secure’s first higher education installation due to its progressive energy efficiency and sustainability initiatives.

“Solar Secure demonstrates what good engineering principles can accomplish,” said College of Engineering Dean Wayne Davis.  “It also fits very well into the culture of our college where we are conducting research on solar panels, renewable energy, smart grids, electric power transmission, and transportation technologies.”

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Solar Secure generates all of its energy needs from solar panels.  It also incorporates back-up batteries for energy storage, ensuring uninterruptible power and communications capabilities in the event of an outage or other emergency.  Because it is net zero energy and operates via wireless communications, installation doesn’t require trenching for power or extensive site preparation.

Solar Secure can be installed anywhere additional security coverage and wireless communications are needed, especially within campus environments that include pathways, playfields, and other open spaces.  Solar Secure can also be integrated with a campus mass notification system to alert people in the case of a tsunami, earthquake or other disaster.

“Based on our experience working with large enterprise customers, we realized that the chief barriers to installing surveillance cameras and other security infrastructure on campuses is the environmental impact and high cost of trenching to supply the necessary power and data connections,” said Collette Duck, Solar Secure Product Manager.  “We developed Solar Secure to provide customers with the ability to extend security coverage beyond traditional limits with a solar powered solution that is not only better for the environment, but is easier and more cost-effective to install than conventional systems.”

Solar Secure is currently available in three models — SunStation, SunBench and SunTower — each of which can be customized based on necessary capabilities, location, existing security infrastructure, and network standards.

The SunStation structure on the UT campus was manufactured in the U.S. by Tennessee-based Cherokee Millwright and Mechanical.  It is located in the middle of the College of Engineering complex, outside Perkins Hall.

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