UMD College Party Complaints Drop For 4th Year in a Row

Published: May 31, 2011

DULUTH, Minn. — For the fourth consecutive May, calls to Duluth police for loud parties have decreased. In the last two weeks of school at the University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD) this year, there were only seven calls made; in May 2010 there were 86.

The improvement is the result of several new policies and procedures, the Duluth News Tribune reports. UMD developed an off-campus student conduct code, and police have begun sharing their records with school officials and notifying property managers or owners when responding to a complaint.

When classes began last fall, community officers were assigned to UMD to distribute literature to students about laws and the consequences of breaking them. Some officers would also visit the location of a party the day after an event that merited a complaint and explain the consequences again.

Read the full story.

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