University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Director of Police Community Services Dr. Nancy Greenstein Ed.D. has been named winner of the 2009 Jeanne Clery Campus Safety Award by Security On Campus Inc. (SOC).
During a reception held Feb. 9, SOC Director of Public Policy S. Daniel Carter recognized Greenstein for her 13 years of work with the school’s police department where she has been responsible for innovative approaches to Jeanne Clery Act compliance and sexual assault victim assistance. (Article continues below.)
The Clery Act’s timely warning requirements were a major focus of her 2002 doctoral dissertation, Timely Warnings: Alerting and Protecting the Campus Community. Among the earliest serious scholarly work on this topic, it has been brought to bear on UCLA’s Clery compliance and been used to help keep the campus community apprised of threats to their safety and to best manage emergency situations.
Greenstein has also developed comprehensive sexual assault resource and survivor information packets that help empower victims and survivors with the information they need to make informed decisions. This empowerment has helped make the critical issue of sexual assault be taken more seriously by the whole campus community, and supports a culture within the UCLA PD where sexual assault is vigorously investigated and addressed.
The “Jeanne Clery Campus Safety Award”, established in 1994, is presented each year by SOC to honor institutions and individuals that have done extraordinary things to make college and university students safer. The award is named in memory of Jeanne Clery, whose 1986 campus rape and murder inspired the founding of SOC and also the federal Jeanne Clery Act.
To read the full press release, click here.
For additional information, click here.
Photo courtesy UCLA & Reed Hutchinson