BROOKLYN, N.Y. — A former student of the City University of New York’s Brooklyn College has filed a lawsuit against the institution for forcing her into a stay at a psychiatric ward. Sophia Chinemerem Eze was hospitalized against her will after she told campus police that her landlord has put a camera in her bedroom.
Eze allegedly discovered a camera in a vent in her bedroom and believed her roommates were posting videos of her on the Internet. When she reported the incident to a security officer, a school psychologist was summoned, The New York Times reports. Eze was then forced into an ambulance and taken to Kings County Hospital.
Eze won a $110,000 settlement against the Health and Hospitals Corp. in 2010 in regards to the incident. A Kings County Hospital physician told her she had to admit herself to the hospital or she would be committed involuntarily, thereby extending her stay.
Eze spent two weeks in the facility. She did not return to Brooklyn College after she was released. Instead, she applied and was admitted to the City University of New York’s Macaulay Honors College.