States, Cities Propose School Security Spending Increases

Published: February 13, 2013

The North Dakota Senate Appropriations Committee is considering Senate Bill 2267, which would provide $10 million for school safety and deferred maintenance grants. The bill would provide $25,000 grants, requiring dollar-for-dollar matches, reports the Bismarck Tribune. The bill’s sponsor, Sen. Lonnie Laffen, R-Grand Forks, says North Dakota is one of the least prepared states in the country.

Meanwhile, on the West Coast, Washington State is considering a $10 million program of its own, as part of a construction proposal, reports the Spokesman-Review. The GOP and Democrats are both supporting the measure, but Democrats also want laws on firearm safety, background checks and improved support for mental health services. In the $10 million proposal, $5 million would be spent to improve police response and $5 million would be designated for building in safety features into schools.

Dallas ISD has proposed $4.65 million in security upgrades, reports the Dallas Morning News. The proposed improvements include video surveillance, front door buzzer systems and card access control. Plano ISD is considering a $2.7 million plan to put 75 armed officers in its schools.

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