School Security Guard Accused of Brandishing Gun Inside Pa. Gas Station

Published: September 11, 2013

CHARLEROI, Pa. — A school security guard for the Charleroi Area School District has been accused of drunkenly waving a firearm inside of a gas station here and shouting, “I shoot to kill.”

Val Smith, 41, was recently hired as an armed security officer for the district. Smith, allegedly intoxicated, walked into the Exxon gas station at 12:29 a.m. on Wednesday showing three employees his concealed weapons permit. He repeatedly asked the workers to write down his number because in the event of an emergency, he said, he could get to the gas station before police could, reports. He later pulled out his gun and started waving it around.

Smith has been charged with recklessly endangering another person, disorderly conduct and public drunkenness. It is unclear if district officials will fire the officer, who had no yet worked for the Charleroi Area School District because the school year just started.

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